
9 tips for improving your LinkedIn Etiquette

LinkedIn is a minefield of written and unwritten rules. It’s no surprise that the average user is confused about what’s right and what’s wrong. Find 9 tips for improving your LinkedIn etiquette in this post.

5 Reasons Why Your Readers Are Not Opening Your E-Mails

One of the most common questions I get about E-Mail Marketing is ‘Sarah, what’s a opening rate?’ The answer is ‘it depends on your industry, but in average it’s about 20%. If your numbers are lower than that, you should be interested in this post!

Job Seekers: is your LinkedIn Profile really selling you?

‘I can’t believe how many job seekers still don’t have a decent LinkedIn Profile’. I hear this from recruiters all the time. And unfortunately it’s true. Did you know that 94% of recruiters use LinkedIn to search for the ideal candidate? Read my other blog post on this topic HERE.

The Inbound Marketing 101

In today’s interview I’m chatting with Stephan Burkhardt, from about Inbound Marketing and we addressed the following questions: What is ‘Inbound Marketing’ ? What are the key elements to an ‘Inbound Marketing’ strategy? What’s the ultimate goal: traffic or leads? How do you increase both? What makes a good website today? Explanation about different Online Personas

SEO Basics for the Non-Geek

‘How do I show up on the 1st page of Google search results?’ I hear it all the time. You need to master Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Here are some SEO basics, explained in plain English for the Non-Geek.