Are You Frustrated With Social Media & Need Quick Results instead ?

This package is for YOU if

Pick'n Mix Coaching

    • You have spent too much time trying to figure this Social Media thing out and are totally frustrated with it


    • You’d like to get more familiar with one of the Online Marketing techniques (Facebook, LinkedIn, Blogging, E-Mail Marketing, Online Video) but don’t have the time to figure it out by yourself


  • You’d just like to pick my brain for 2 hours on any Online Marketing related subject


What’s in it for YOU?

We will book 2x1hour Skype calls. The topic of these calls depends on your needs. We can either focus on one particular social media channel, you can ask me specific questions or we can take your current activities as a basis and I can give you some feedback on what you’re doing right and what could be improved. To give you an idea of what I did with other clients:

    • How do I use a Facebook Page to build a tribe? What kind of content do I post, how often ?


    • How do I get started with Blogging ? Which set up do I need ? Where do I get all these content ideas?


    • How do I use LinkedIn to get more leads for my business ?


    • I’d like to switch to an E-Mail Marketing tool. How does that work?

Our calls will be recorded and yours to keep. So you can always go back and watch the video over and over again.


How much?

The price for this 2hour ground breaking coaching session is
USD 250.00 / EUR 210.00 / GBP 170 / CHF 250.00 /

How do I pay?

Credit Cards accecpted

I accept all major credit cards through Paypal. If you are based in Europe you can also pay via direct bank transfer.

How do I get started?

If you are ready to end the frustration and get quick results instead, you can contact me directly and mention “Pick’n Mix Coaching” in the contact form. Or you can just give me a call at 0041 22 534 9294 (Central European Time Zone). I look forward to hearing from you !
Sarah Santacroce, Small Business Internet & Social Media Mktg Specialist
I look forward to being in touch !
Sarah Santacroce

My certifications:
Sarah Santacroce, Social Marketing SpecialistSarah Santacroce, VAclassroom Virtual Event SpecialistSarah Santacroce, Internet Marketing Specialist