Thank you soo much for your supporting my Gentle Marketing Revolution Kickstarter campaign!! You’ll find a Thank You message below and I’ll also be posting future video updates on this page.
Can I ask you for one more small favor? Would you share the tweet below to let others know about the Gentle Marketing Revolution? Thank you!!!
December 1st, 2020: Launch Day
December 3rd, 2020: Fully funded!
For those of you who are regulars on Kickstarter: I decided not to have stretch goals. They don’t feel gentle to me, as the focus is on the money, rather than on the community. However, in the video I explain that everything we collect now, beyond the $3000 goes towards the creation of the Gentle Business Alliance as well as the Gentle Business Revolution podcast.
I do have 2 more milestones that we can maybe celebrate together:
100 backers: These are interviews with people I see as Gentle Marketers and I was picking their brain during the research phase of the book. I used bits and pieces of these conversations in the book, but you get exclusive access to the entire interviews:-)
500 backers (gotta dream big): I’ll host a Zoom call to share how I wrote the book in under 1 year, and a crazy year on top of that 😉 Templates I used, how I got organized, tools I used, everything…
December 5th, 2020: new rewards visuals added
As mentioned in the last update, Denise Z., my sketch artist has created some fun visuals to represent the different reward tiers. I’ve just added them to the Kickstarter page today.
Here’s a video of her creative process. Love it!
December 8th, 2020: we’ve hit the plateau
December 22nd, 2020: Happy Holidays!
If you’d like to stay connected beyond the Kickstarter Campaign, please consider signing up to my weekly(ish) Sarah Suggests Saturays, a round-up of best practices, tools I use, books I read, podcasts, and other resources.

Thank you so much for your support!