The LinkedIn Active Status: Here’s how to use it

Since 2016, LinkedIn has been crafting and launching several new components with the aim of facilitating even better communication between users. One of these critical features is LinkedIn’s ‘active status.’

LinkedIn Active Status

What is the LinkedIn Active Status?

Active status is a green circle on your profile avatar that shows when you are currently on and using the platform. Active status is on by default but can be turned off if you want to keep your job search private.

What are the different Active Status features?

If your prospect has a green circle on the bottom right part of their avatar, that means they are currently online. If the green circle has a white dot in the middle, that means they are only on mobile LinkedIn, but they will be notified of any messages they get. If their profile pic doesn’t have a circle on it, they probably aren’t online, or they have active status turned off.


What’s the goal of the LinkedIn Active Status?

The goal of active status is to help users communicate quicker and more efficiently. With active status, you can see who is currently on LinkedIn, and you can get your messages read and answered to much more quickly. It can also save you time and wasted effort if you know who is online and reading their LinkedIn messages. Instead of sending to someone and waiting for a reply because you don’t know whether they are or aren’t currently on, you can skip the guessing game entirely and only spend time and effort crafting and sending messages to active users.

When should you use active status?

As a general rule, I recommend leaving the Active Status on all the time. But if you are busy and can’t answer messages in a timely fashion or can’t handle interruptions at the moment, you can turn your active status off.

Chat and private messaging have been a key feature on other social media platforms, and until recently, LinkedIn has lagged behind. But, with active status, and the newest audio messaging addition, LinkedIn is helping users communicate in real-time with chat and private messaging tools.

Need help?

LinkedIn is an excellent tool for finding and building professional relationships. If you want to have greater and more streamlined communications on the platform, make sure to utilize the ‘active status’ feature.

And it all starts with a great LinkedIn Profile. Check out my LinkedIn Profile Video Review service.


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