6 Reasons I’ve Fallen Hopelessly In Love With Xero Accounting Software

Accounting software can be a real bear – whether you’re using an outdated, legacy system, or some overly-complex database that has way more features than you’ll ever need. Read on to learn about the 6 reasons that I’ve fallen hopelessly in love with Xero Accounting Software.

It’s a “Goldilocks Problem” – and until now, I’d never come across an accounting software that was “just right”. But, I’ve finally found the accounting software for me. Not too hot, not too cold – just right, with all the features I could ever need, and a simplified, intuitive interface that makes accounting tasks, a breeze. And did I tell you that I hate numbers?

6 Reasons I've Fallen in Love with Xero Accounting Software

6 Reasons Why I Love the Xero Accounting Software

1. Simple Invoicing

Xero Accounting Software makes sending professional, custom-designed invoice templates as simple and easy as can be, and allows for payments through debit cards, credit cards, and PayPal, increasing your cash-flow. Oh, did I mention that you can accept payments via Stripe aswell?

Automated invoice payment reminders are also a simple way to ensure that clients are aware of their billings, allowing you to take the work out of chasing down payments.

2. Easy Bank Reconciliation

Nobody looks forward to bank reconciliations – so Xero Accounting Software allows connection of your accounting software to your bank accounts, automatically importing bank and credit card transactions on a daily basis.

You can even reconcile on mobile devices with a simple, intuitive app, and you can reconcile huge numbers of transactions in a snap by using cash coding to sort and match your large transaction batches.

Ok, to be completely transparent, I don’t have access to this feature here in Switzerland where I’m based. My accountant, who has access to my Xero account, does the reconciliation for me. Darn bank secret! 🙂

3. Intuitive Dashboard

The powerful, intuitive Xero Accounting dashboard provides an overall, at-a-glance view of the overall health of your business. Monthly cash flow, bank account and credit card balances, outstanding invoices, and even sales/expense budgeting graphs are all easy to access and understand.

You can also customize your dashboard to track specific parts of your business, providing you with an all-in-one business monitoring solution.

Xero Accounting Software
The Dashboard

4. Effortless Expense Claims

Expense claims can be a real pain in the neck – tracking receipts, invoices, and other paperwork isn’t easy, but Xero Accounting Software certainly helps.

Xero Accounting Software helps you manage your own personal expenses and business expenses with simple, categorizable expense categories, ensuring you always have a good idea of what your expenses are.

With the mobile Xero Accounting app, employees can snap pictures of each and every receipt they need to claim, and upload them instantly for reimbursement. That’s my favorite feature! Click, another receipt saved & claimed.

In addition, expenses can be billed directly to clients, and added to their invoices by using the billable expense features of Xero, minimizing paperwork and ensuring that you are paid for your expenses.

5. Instant Online Quotes

Serving up professional, beautiful quotes used to be a burden – but that’s not the case with Xero. Using the simple Xero UI, you can craft custom quotes by adding your logo to their templates, or by using your own, custom-built templates. Since I do business in French and English, I have one in each language. Easy. Same thing with the invoice templates.

These quotes allow your customers to accept, decline, or comment with just the push of a button, and robust quote-tracking features allow you to get a good look at any pending quotes you may have.

And, best of all, quotes can be turned into invoices as soon as the job is done, streamlining the administration process and allowing your business to be paid more quickly.

6. Pain Free Payment Acceptance

Xero offers totally pain-free online payment acceptance from all major debit and credit cards, as well as online services like PayPal and Apple Pay and Stripe, and an intuitive credit and refund interface allows you to create simple credit notes and apply them to invoices, or record refunds.

Payments can be directly sent from all online invoices that you send with Xero – so you can rest easy, knowing that your clients have everything they need, to issue payments in a timely manner.

Quick Tutorial

Why My Accountant Loves Xero

As I mentioned in the intro, I don’t like numbers! So to be completely transparent here, I only do parts of my accounting myself. For the consolidation and bank reconciliation I’m working with Damien from Fidbox. Damien is an official Silver Partner of Xero. I thought I’d ask him why he likes working with this tool.

1. Damien, why did you decide to use Xero as your accounting software of choice?

I always had a strong interest in new technologies, I found Xero after a deep search on what was available on the market as a cloud accounting software. We quickly realised that working with Xero would benefit our accounting firm and increase our productivity drastically. Xero is the perfect match between functionalities, simplicity and security. It does everything an accounting software should do + so many other things! With more than 500 third-party apps, you can really customise your experience and fulfil  your needs. Once you start working with Xero it is really difficult to turn back to another accounting software. Xero has allowed us to deliver value added services to our customers, which should be priority one for all accountants. Xero is also amazing in taking good care of their partners and listening to their opinions.

2. What’s your personal favorite feature?

Find & Recode ! Makes fixing client mistakes fast and easy by allowing transactions to be searched for and updated in bulk. Perfect for accountants, There are nine available conditions to choose from. Once you’ve found the transactions you want to recode, you can then change up to four fields at once: Contact, Account, Tax Rate, or Tracking Category.

Thanks Damien!

Try Xero Accounting Software Yourself – And See Why I Love It

It may sound like I’m waxing a bit rhapsodic about Xero – but there’s a reason I love it.

A simpler life is a happier life when it comes to accounting software (remember the name of my business is Simplicity), and the simple, intuitive design of Xero software disguises a huge, comprehensive featureset that can be used by sole proprietors, entrepreneurs, small business, or gigantic corporate conglomerates – and everybody in-between.

So try Xero Accounting Software for yourself. Once you do, you’ll understand why I love it – and you just might fall in love with it, yourself! Use my promo code XERO30NOW to save 30%!

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