LinkedIn can be a great way to get more clients, make lucrative connections, and build relationships. But, ultimately, in most online marketing the goal is to bring people iTnto your email marketing list so that you can market to them on a more personal level. Yes, you can use LinkedIn to Get More Email Subscribers! But there’s a right way to do it and also a wrong way…
Let’s start with the wrong way.
How NOT to use LinkedIn to Get More Email Subscribers
There’s nothing that annoys me more than receiving unsollicited email from a provider whose list I didn’t sign up to.
And the headline ‘to my LinkedIn connections’ makes things even worse. Just because I accepted your invitation on LinkedIn doesn’t mean I want to receive your newsletter! Do the math! If everyone did what you’re doing I’d be getting over 3000 newsletters !
I know it seems tempting to export all your connections and quickly import them into your newsletter tool, but don’t do it!
It’s still considered SPAM if the received has not actually requested to be on your mailing list. And it could potentially ruin your reputation!
There are other ways though. They are of course a bit slower of course, but they are much more targeted subscribers
How to use LinkedIn to Get More Email Subscribers
Customize Your Website Links
In the contact details section you can add three links to go to a opt-in page on your website.There you require an email address to download your report for free. Ensure that you put them on a segmented list based on those who download this specific report so that you can market to them personally.
Add Rich Media
In the rich media section you can also add links to your Freebie opt-in pages. In addition to getting you new subscribers it also adds color to your LinkedIn profile.
Message your LinkedIn group
If you’re a LinkedIn group owner, you can message your group members in an ‘announcement’. I often use this feature to offer members a free opt in or access to a free educational webinar. Read this post for more lead generation ideas for LinkedIn group owners.
Purchase LinkedIn Ads
LinkedIn advertisements are a great way to get the message out about your products and services, but also about your email list. Tell people what you offer in your email list, and how it can help them and they will be more likely to sign up.
Building your email list using LinkedIn is a great way to get highly targeted individuals and business owners on your email list. Once they are on your email list you’ll be able to market to them in a more direct manner, increasing sales and building relationships while you’re at it.